Data Subject Access Request Workflow Management
People have the ability to exercise a number of rights from organisations processing their personal data. Organisations must respect these rights or be able to justify to a data protection supervisory authority any restrictions.
Bizoneo includes a dedicated register of data subject access requests that ease the demonstration of how organisations have handled the requests.
Key features
Data Subject Access Request
- Record date of request;
- Record staff assigned to supervise the request;
- ID verification;
- Management of extension;
- Countdown to ensure request is dealt within the timeframe set by the legislation, with the ability to extend;
- History of information provided through the process;
- Handling of Art 23 (GDPR)
Email integration
- Integrates with standard mailboxes (IMAP, Office 365, gmail etc.);
- Easily editable templates;
- Link the email history to the DSAR;
- Ability to categorise the rights;
- Ability to add fields to map your organisation;
- Ability to add links to internal systems;
- Ability to set an unlimited set of templates so staff assigned can promptly handle the requests;
- Dashboard
- Statistics
- Export in PDF and native office formats (docx, xlsx)